ra`s fnord » University http://ra.fnord.at blog Thu, 20 Sep 2012 12:06:12 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=abc en hourly 1 Building an auditory and visual stimulation device with EEG feedback loop http://ra.fnord.at/2010/06/building-an-auditory-and-visual-stimulation-device-with-eeg-feedback-loop/ http://ra.fnord.at/2010/06/building-an-auditory-and-visual-stimulation-device-with-eeg-feedback-loop/#comments Sat, 26 Jun 2010 14:18:46 +0000 ra http://ra.fnord.at/?p=216 Building an auditory and visual stimulation device with EEG feedback loop. An open source software and hardware approach for controllable brainwave entrainment.” is the title of my bachelor thesis.

More populistic I could say this is about finding out if it is possible to build a device which lets a human sleep and wake up again purposely.

Sounds interesting? Do not hesitate to read the thesis and/or leave a comment!

http://ra.fnord.at/2010/06/building-an-auditory-and-visual-stimulation-device-with-eeg-feedback-loop/feed/ 0
Mindfuck installation vor dem Freihaus http://ra.fnord.at/2009/05/mindfuck-installation-vor-dem-freihaus/ http://ra.fnord.at/2009/05/mindfuck-installation-vor-dem-freihaus/#comments Sat, 30 May 2009 16:24:50 +0000 ra http://ra.fnord.at/?p=179 Eine sehr nette Mindfuck-Installation entdeckt vor ca 2 Wochen vor dem Eingang zum Freihaus:


http://ra.fnord.at/2009/05/mindfuck-installation-vor-dem-freihaus/feed/ 0
Mindmachine http://ra.fnord.at/2008/11/mindmachine/ http://ra.fnord.at/2008/11/mindmachine/#comments Sat, 01 Nov 2008 16:39:45 +0000 ra http://ra.fnord.at/?p=120 I just created a new tumblelog/soup in which I will document the progress of creating a Sound&Light-Machine with EEG feedback loop (aka Mindmachine). The soup is currently empty but I will feed it within the next weeks with the current status of the project.

http://ra.fnord.at/2008/11/mindmachine/feed/ 0
Automatic renewing at libraries using the aleph software (tested with Vienna University of Technology and University of Vienna) http://ra.fnord.at/2008/09/automatic-renewing-at-libraries-using-the-aleph-software-tested-with-vienna-university-of-technology-and-university-of-vienna/ http://ra.fnord.at/2008/09/automatic-renewing-at-libraries-using-the-aleph-software-tested-with-vienna-university-of-technology-and-university-of-vienna/#comments Sat, 06 Sep 2008 10:12:33 +0000 ra http://ra.fnord.at/?p=108 Since I use the libraries of universities quite heavily I wrote a small perl script “alephrenew.pl” about two years ago which does the renewing of books for me.

The reason for writing it was that I gain an advantage (to other people using the library) when I renew every day (if there are reservations on the book one with the oldest renewing date has to bring it back – at least as far as I understand the behaviour of the Aleph software).

The help should be self explaining:

Usage: ./alephrenew.pl [-h] [-q] -b <baseurl> -u <username> -p <password> [-r <seconds>]

-h    : this help message
-q    : quiet (suppress success message)
-b    : baseurl without trailing slash (eg. http://aleph.ub.tuwien.ac.at)
-u    : username (eg. $E123456) – you will probably need to escape the “$”
-p    : password – your date of birth in the form of YYYYMMDD (eg. 19730425)
if you did not change it
-r    : wait random time between 1 and “seconds” seconds (before starting and
1 to 30 seconds between the requests – so it does not look like a script)

./alephrenew.pl -q -b http://aleph.ub.tuwien.ac.at -u \$E123456 -p 19730425 -r 3600
./alephrenew.pl -b http://aleph.univie.ac.at -u \$E098765 -p 19851224

A crontab entry may look like this:
0 0 * * 2-6 /path/to/alephrenew.pl -q -b http://aleph.ub.tuwien.ac.at -u \$E3862419 -p 0wN4g3 -r 7200

It’s tested with the libraries of the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Vienna but should work with any other library using the Aleph software.

It is released under the terms of the GPLv2.

I do appreciate your feedback!

http://ra.fnord.at/2008/09/automatic-renewing-at-libraries-using-the-aleph-software-tested-with-vienna-university-of-technology-and-university-of-vienna/feed/ 2
Kostenfreie KUbuntu CDs http://ra.fnord.at/2007/07/kostenfreie-kubuntu-cds/ http://ra.fnord.at/2007/07/kostenfreie-kubuntu-cds/#comments Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:15:48 +0000 ra https://sunkist.annessi.at/wordpress/2007/07/15/kostenfreie-kubuntu-cds/ Die Fachschaft Informatik auf der TU Wien verteilt kostenfrei KUbuntu “Feisty Fawn”-CDs.
Siehe http://www.fsinf.at/node/477

http://ra.fnord.at/2007/07/kostenfreie-kubuntu-cds/feed/ 0
ÖH-Wahlen http://ra.fnord.at/2007/05/h-wahlen/ http://ra.fnord.at/2007/05/h-wahlen/#comments Tue, 15 May 2007 15:00:42 +0000 ra https://sunkist.annessi.at/wordpress/2007/05/15/h-wahlen/ Die ÖH-Wahlen stehen an.
Einige (TU-lastige) Information gibt es dabei auf der HTU-Seite.

Meine Empfehlung: Unipiraten

http://ra.fnord.at/2007/05/h-wahlen/feed/ 0
Studienbeihilfe wird um zwölf Prozent erhöht http://ra.fnord.at/2007/03/studienbeihilfe-wird-um-zwlf-prozent-erhht/ http://ra.fnord.at/2007/03/studienbeihilfe-wird-um-zwlf-prozent-erhht/#comments Tue, 27 Mar 2007 17:44:03 +0000 ra https://sunkist.annessi.at/wordpress/2007/03/27/studienbeihilfe-wird-um-zwlf-prozent-erhht/ http://www.orf.at/ticker/248523.html (:

http://ra.fnord.at/2007/03/studienbeihilfe-wird-um-zwlf-prozent-erhht/feed/ 0